Volunteer (Notte Street)

Time for this Notte Street beerhouse was called during the bombing of Plymouth in the early 1940s, it’s near neighbour, three doors away – the Princess Royal – however survived well beyond VE Day.

Notte Street underwent major rebuilding in the mid-late nineteenth century and the street extended a little to the west of its earlier boundary, however it would appear that the original Volunteer pre-dated these changes. It stood in the Notte Street block between Catherine Street and Finewell Street, just one door of the corner of the former. The Unitarian Church occupies part of its site today.

The name is a popular one up and down the country and generally “Volunteers” owe their origins to those volunteer regiments that were formed at times that the threat of war seemed imminent – most notably during the Napoleonic era.


1847 - William Betaford
1865 - S Southcott
1890 - Mrs Mary Hall
1898 - Samuel Riggs
1911 - WJ Cliff
1920 - Frederick Perkins
1933 - Stanley Tucker
1941 - William Vine
1941 - John Forgiard
