Ringer’s Arms

It stood a few doors along from the Pear Tree, in Stoke Village, in that stretch of Tavistock Road between Molesworth Road and Church Street, the latter giving us a clue to the naming of this beerhouse.

Church bells have, over the years, inspired a great variety of pub and inn names – Ring o’ Bells, the Bells, the Ringer’s Rest, Six Bells, Eight Bells, Five Ringers, Six Ringers etc. The Bells that tolled within the earshot of this hostelry were those located at the bottom of Church Road, at Stoke Damerel Church. Doubtless in the early days, when this area was a little more sparsely populated this may have been a favourite haunt for the local campanologists, clearly however there were not enough customers to keep it going for it closed, quietly, in the 1920s.


1844 - Thomas Farthing
1856 - John Wakeham
1875 - John Parsons
1896 - John Harvey
1903 - E Blake
1906 - Harry West
1912 - Fred Marshall
