Navy and Army Inn

On 29th September 1935 Plymouth Breweries gave up the license of the Navy and Army Inn in Pound Street, however the premises continued to be licensed – the reason? Because the brewery had restyled the Artillery Arms on the corner of Pound Street and Admiralty Street to incorporate both premises.

Although it is perhaps not unduly surprising to find a pub named the Navy and Army Inn in an area awash with servicemen, the name is by no means a common one and it certainly is not one you would necessarily expect to find overlooking the wall of a Royal Marine Barracks, nevertheless there it was and for many years this modest beerhouse doubtless was the haunt of many a man in uniform.


1865 - Elizabeth Quarterman
1880 - A Chapman
1885 - J Brokenshire
1898 - George Long
1920 - John Tonge
1923 - Timothy Donovan
1937 - Richard Slade
