Lord Ebrington

Lord Ebrington (the son of Earl Fortescue) was, along with his friend and neighbour Lord John Russell, one of a handful of zealous political reformers in the first half of the nineteenth century. He first won a seat in Parliament in 1818, for the Reform Party, and although he later lost it, was again elected in 1830 and received a triumphal welcome in Plymouth. Ebrington’s carriage was carried long the then new eastern road into town which to this day still bears his name. Two years later the Reform Bill was passed and in 1841 Ebrington was elected MP for Plymouth. He was to hold that seat until 1852 by which time No.4 Ebrington Street had become known as the Lord Ebrington public house. The property stood until 1895 when No.3-29 were pulled down (as shown here) as part of a road widening scheme, in order to accommodate the new tram service. The pub stood on the corner above the horse’s head at the bottom of the long-gone Garden Street only a few dozen metres to the east of Marks and Spencer’s in Old Town Street.


1847 - J Elliott
1865 - William Beer
1873 - John Brown
1878 - Richard Avent
1880 - PW Brooks
1888 - Joseph and William Dower
