Duke of Cornwall (Queen Street)

It appears to have stood on or near the corner of Queen Street and Cornwall Street, since which time both streets have been substantially redeveloped at least twice.
A comparatively short thoroughfare the fact that it stood on the straight pedestrian route between the entrance to South Yard and the entrance to the Gun Wharf – Morice Yard – meant that it was blessed with a seemingly disproportionate number of pubs, indeed there were a dozen here in 1852, which meant that one in five properties in the street was licensed to sell alcohol – mostly beer.

Today there are barely half that number of pubs in the whole of the old part of Devonport! Quite remarkable when you consider that 100 years ago there were at least 100.
In 1873, incidentally the property was occupied by a General Dealer and Bullion Merchant by the name of Israel Zefferet.


1847 - John Arscott
1852 - John Sampson
1857 - Charles Sweet
1862 - Sarah Sweet
1865 - R Stark
