Coronation Inn

Early references take us back at least to the early 1840s, but it doesn’t appear in the 1820s, and so the Coronation Inn in Martin Street, just off the Octagon (on the Plymouth stretch of Union Street), doubtless owes its name to the Coronation of Queen Victoria in 1837.

The ceremony generally, that great state occasion in Westminster Abbey when the crown is placed upon the head of a new British sovereign, has, over the years, lent itself to a great many pub names – and street names … and while Plymouth doesn’t have a Coronation Street it does have a Coronation Place. Since the early part of the twentieth century Plymouth has also not had a Coronation Inn either. Closed sometime during the Great War the pub appears to have had just one female licensee and appropriately enough her name was Victoria!


1844 - John Ryder
1847 - William Proctor
1862 - J Doel
1867 - WH Hingston
1873 - William Cottrell
1880 - T Ivey
1890 - Victoria Collacott
1893 - Richard Collacott
1895 - George Woodley
1904 - Tom Horwell
1914 - Arthur Hicks
