Corn Exchange

Not to be confused with the Corn Exchange which also had a licensed facility (its roof stretches across the bottom of the picture), the Corn Exchange pub stood nearby on the corner of East Street (running from the bottom left to top right) and Market Alley (running right from the top left of this aerial view) – indeed its address was 11 East Street/7 Market Alley.

A busy pre-war pub the Corn Exchange was one of more than two dozen hostelries in the heart of Plymouth in the thirties that was not replaced in the post-war Abercrombie/Paton-Watson city centre. Instead, in 1957 its licence was removed to a new pub at Ham Green – the Lion and Column. Incidentally, landlord Tom Hull left the Corn Exchange just a month or two after having been fined for allowing drink to be sold outside permitted hours.


1890 - William Skinner
1895 - JA James
1898 - JT Russell
1911 - JH Dodd & son
1920 - Sydney John Dodd
1928 - Tom Hull
1933 - Charles Sandford
1938 - Hugh Stowell
