Lake Road

Like any other major town or city, Plymouth has its fair share of street names that owe their origins to features that have long since disappeared or been replaced or, in this instance, been substantially infilled. Clearly the lake referred to still exists, but at the end of, rather than alongside, Lake Road, Hooe.

Time was when Lake Road would flood and find itself almost part of the lake, however that ended with the creation, in 1964, of that the large green open space bounded by Barton Road on the one side and Lake Road on the other, eastern, side.In the past, before local roads were easily negotiable by wheeled transport, it was easier to move people and produce by boat and Hooe Lake, and Hooe Manor, were comparatively busy, and important, places.

A later lease of life came to the area via ferry and railway trade, but by the time this bit of the lake was filled they had both gone.
